Repairs, Maintenance, and Energy Efficiency
Repairs and Maintenance
Graffiti Removal Resources
We have an array of graffiti removal supplies in the office that we lend out to any residents, property owners or businesses that need them. We have three different types of supplies:
Kits for graffiti removal from painted and sensitive surfaces
Kits for graffiti removal from brick, stone and masonry surfaces
Safewipes for graffiti removal from hard surfaces such as signage, play equipment, bus shelters, control boxes, etc.
Drop by the office during business hours, and we'll provide you with a kit!
City of Minneapolis 311
If your landlord is unresponsive to your requests or you have questions about the housing code, call 3-1-1 to request an inspection. It is important to provide contact information in order to let the inspector follow up with you. You can also make a 311 report and find housing code information on the City’s website.
Energy Efficiency
Weatherization Assistance Program
The Weatherization Assistance Program provides free home energy upgrades to income-eligible homeowners and renters to help save energy and make sure your home is a healthy and safe place to live. If you qualify, a local Weatherization service provider may conduct a free home energy assessment to determine if cost-effective energy efficiency improvements can be completed in your home. Weatherization services could help decrease your annual energy costs by up to 30 percent. More information here.
Energy Conservation Program
The Energy Conservation program helps low-income families and individuals improve the energy efficiency of their residencies in order to lower energy bills. It is free to those who qualify, and can include energy audits, assistance with furnace repair and replacement and home weatherization. If you qualify, energy conservation technicians will identify and conduct the most cost-effective, energy-saving measures for your home. This may include: Installing insulation, reducing air infiltration, performing heating tune-ups and modifications, replacing appliances for energy efficiency and safety. More information here.