Legal & Mediation Services
Free legal, organizing, educational, and advocacy services to help tenants solve their own rental housing issues by involving affected tenants in the process. More information is available at or by phone: English-612-728-5767, Spanish - 612-255-8870, Somali - 612-255-8860, Hmong - 612-255-7104
Conflict Resolution Center
Mediation can often help conflicting parties within the community (such as renters and landlords) come to an agreement that benefits everybody without the need for legal or court action. To request mediation services, visit or call (612) 822-9883.
MN Attorney General’s Office
Fact sheets on landlord/tenant, moving into an apartment, vacating an apartment.
Hennepin County Housing Court Project
Free, in-person legal advice for low-income tenants and landlords provided via a joint effort between Hennepin County, the Fourth District Housing Court, Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid, and the Volunteer Lawyers Network. Issues include emergency repairs, record expungement, lock-outs, service issues, evictions, lease violations, repair problems and more. More info via phone: 612-673-3012 or online at
Hennepin County Government Center
Fourth District Housing Court
300 S 6th St, 3rd floor in C-Tower
Walk in Hours:
Monday and Thursday: 12:30-4 pm
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: 8:30 am-4 pm
A variety of legal fact sheets on housing issues including eviction, repairs, condemnations and lock-outs, public housing, disability discrimination, utilities, renters refunds, security deposits, and guest and roommate issues. For more information visit
Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid
Free civil legal assistance to low-income people in many areas: Evictions and landlord abuse, foreclosure rights, public and Section 8 housing, housing discrimination, denial of public benefits, divorce, child custody and support, domestic abuse, disability, debt collection and unfair loans, immigration, youth- and elder-related issues. For more information visit or call (612) 334-5970.
Volunteer Lawyers Network
Volunteer Lawyers Network is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to connecting Minnesotans experiencing poverty with some of the top private lawyers in the state at no cost.
These volunteers protect the rights and property of thousands of clients every year by advising them at legal clinics, drafting legal documents, representing them in court or otherwise supporting them in their pursuit of justice. For more information visit or call (612) 752-6677.