Housing Search Assistance
Finding a Home in Whittier
Finding a new place to live within your budget can be a challenge. We have included a few resources here to help you with your search.
Housing Link
An award-winning website where anyone can search for affordable rental housing vacancies and waiting list openings in Minneapolis, St. Paul, Twin Cities suburbs, and throughout all of Minnesota. Landlords and property managers can use this site to advertise their rental housing openings for free. Agencies/organizations that provide direct housing services in Minnesota can use Housing Link's resources to help their clients overcome barriers to their housing search, and to answer questions about subsidized housing programs in Minnesota. Housing Link also publishes the status of subsidized housing waiting lists in the Twin Cities. Visit their website at https://www.housinglink.org/ to view and navigate through the resources available.
Housing Search and Application Process Assistance
For many immigrants and refugees especially, navigating the complicated housing system in our country can be a major barrier to securing stable and affordable housing. Our Community Outreach Coordinator, can provide direct assistance with many of the tasks and considerations associated with finding a new apartment and will prioritize community members looking to move to the Whittier neighborhood or current Whittier residents looking to move to a new home within the neighborhood. Assistance can be provided in English, Somali, Arabic, and Turkish, though you do not need to be an immigrant or refugee to request help.
Types of assistance we can provide
Internet searching to locate available apartments meeting the necessary criteria
Language interpretation during initial inquiry calls, apartment showings, and follow-up conversations
Basic explanations of the housing process, what to expect, City of Minneapolis housing code considerations
Basic explanation of tenants' rights and a list of resources for seeking consultation or recourse, if appropriate
An overview of the lease agreement before signature
A list of resources for emergency financial assistance and other types of support available to tenants for preventing evictions
Case-by-case assistance if another need is identified that is not listed above