Business Training & Coaching Resources
Small Business Team
The Small Business Team at the City of Minneapolis is here to make it easy for you to successfully start, sustain, and grow your business in Minneapolis. Their staff can assist you in navigating City permitting and licensing processes, connect you to relevant resources and supports, and answer your questions about regulations and requirements.
(612) 673-2499
Small Business info
Training and Couseling
Business Counseling (Minnesota Small Business Assistance Office)
Basic answers (what form to file) to more complex answers (e.g. regulatory, financial, managerial, business structure and other questions.
Telephone: 651-556-8425
free, one-on-one, confidential business consulting to help entrepreneurs
B-TAP (Business Technical Assistance Program)
provides consulting support to businesses located in the City of Minneapolis through various providers
Live and on-demand workshops
Personalized non-profit operational training
Resource Guides
How to Start a Business (Small Business Administration)
A useful guide that generally steps through considerations common during starting a business
A Guide to Starting A Business in Minnesota (Minnesota Small Business Assistance Office)
A Minnesota-specific guide encompassing topics common to new entrepreneurs
Includes a business plan template (pg. 103) and information about various resources
Minnesota Small Business Resource Guide (SBA)
A general guide to a number of resources available to entrepreneurs
Legal Services (pro bono)
LegalCorps is a non-profit organization working to provide free legal assistance to low-income businesses and communities. They offer business law clinics at which participants can receive 30 minute consultations with volunteer attorneys addressing business law. LegalCorps can also assist in finding full representation services for qualifying candidates
SCORE will work to partner you with a entrepreneur-mentor to help navigate the difficulties of business startup and growth.