Repairs, Maintenance, and Energy Efficiency
Energy Assistance Program
The Energy Assistance Program (EAP) helps Minnesota households pay for current and past-due bills for electricity, gas, oil, biofuel and propane, emergency fuel delivery, and repair/replacement of homeowners’ broken heating systems, and could also cover water and sewer bills. By submitting one application through EAP, households could qualify for payments to cover both water and energy bills, and qualify them for the Minnesota Weatherization Program. Grants are for renters or homeowners with income at or below 60 percent of the state median income. For more information, visit or call 800-657-3710 and press 1.
Energy Conservation Program
The Energy Conservation program helps low-income families and individuals improve the energy efficiency of their residencies in order to lower energy bills. It is free to those who qualify, and can include energy audits, assistance with furnace repair and replacement and home weatherization. If you qualify, energy conservation technicians will identify and conduct the most cost-effective, energy-saving measures for your home. This may include: Installing insulation, reducing air infiltration, performing heating tune-ups and modifications, replacing appliances for energy efficiency and safety. More information here.
Graffiti Removal Resources
We have an array of graffiti removal supplies in the office that we lend out to any residents, property owners or businesses that need them. We have three different types of supplies:
Kits for graffiti removal from painted and sensitive surfaces
Kits for graffiti removal from brick, stone and masonry surfaces
Safewipes for graffiti removal from hard surfaces such as signage, play equipment, bus shelters, control boxes, etc.
Drop by the office during business hours, and we'll provide you with a kit!
Home Maintenance, Repair, & Rehab
Post-purchase services provide home maintenance counseling services to help residents find and select contracts for repair and rehab issues. For assistance call 952-697-1310
Home Energy Squad
An energy efficiency program designed to help Minnesota homeowners save energy, money and prepare their homes for the changing seasons. For more information, visit